State Assessments

AASA | Arizona's Academic Standards Assessment

Yuma Elementary School District One is committed to having students excel in education. Arizona’s Academic Standards Assessment (AASA) is Arizona’s statewide achievement test based on the new standards for reading, writing, and mathematics. Using this standardized test will help teachers, students, and parents know if students are on track to becoming college and career ready once they graduate from high school. Read through the information we have available and become familiar with Arizona’s achievement test.

AASA (formerly AzM2)

AASA is the statewide achievement test for Arizona students. Arizona public school students in grades 3–8 will take the grade level AASA assessments in English language arts and mathematics.

For more information, please visit the Arizona Department of Education’s AASA information page.


AzSCI is a standards-based assessment that measures student proficiency of the Arizona Academic Content Standard in science. It meets federal requirements for student assessment. It will be administered in the spring to students in the 5th and 8th grades.

For more information, please visit AzSCI Assessment.


The Arizona English Language Learner Assessment (AZELLA) is a standards-based assessment that meets both state and federal requirements to measure students’ English language proficiency. AZELLA is used for both placement and reassessment purposes. Students who have been identified as second language learners on the Home Language Survey take the AZELLA placement test, and the students’ proficiency scores determine appropriate placement for instruction. Students who have been placed into an English language learner program will also take the AZELLA reassessment once per year until they achieve proficiency. Students who have scored proficient on the AZELLA are then monitored for two years to help ensure success after their move into a mainstream classroom.

For more information, visit AZELLA Assessment.


The Multi-State Alternate Assessment (MSAA) is a comprehensive assessment system designed to promote increasing higher academic outcomes for students with significant cognitive disabilities in preparation for a broader array of post-secondary outcomes. The MSAA is designed to assess students with significant cognitive disability and measures academic content that is aligned to and derived from Arizona content standards. This test contains many built-in supports that allow students to take the test using materials they are most familiar with and communicate what they know and can do as independently as possible. The MSAA will be administered in the areas of ELA and mathematics in grades 3–8. Arizona will administer MSAA for ELA and mathematics.

For more information, visit MSAA AZED Assessment.


The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) is the only assessment that measures what U.S. students know and can do in various subjects across the nation, states, and in some urban districts. Also known as The Nation’s Report Card, NAEP has provided important information about how students are performing academically since 1969. NAEP is given to a representative sample of students across the country. Each year schools across the U.S. are chosen at random. Results are reported for groups of students with similar characteristics (e.g., gender, race and ethnicity, school location), not individual students. National results are available for all subjects assessed by NAEP.

For more information, visit NAEP’s website.